Picture Created By Altagracia Alvarado
Blog Made By Christopher Siders


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Realism: Writers Of American Literature (1865-1900)

Realism: Writers Of American Literature (1865-1900)
Written By: Christopher "Justice" Siders

"Realism Is nothing more and nothing less than the truthful treatment of material." - William Dean

- George Bellows, New York (1911)

In Other Words, Realism is an representation of reality. Meaning writers during this time based their poetry, Novels etc. On the American lifestyle. In previous time periods such as: American Renaissance era, where the tone of the authors was about changing the world for internal peace and beauty . Five years later, American Realism was an idea, in which artists expressed themselves through painting, music, and literature about their lives as an American. Also their most common themes is about ethnic choices and an social stature among the American dream.

Author, Mark Twain based most of his books on racism, discrimination against blacks, and slavery. As a child, at the age of four Mark Twain was exposed to slavery Living in a port town of the Mississippi River, living in is this type environment caused him to constantly write about slavery.For example, in 1884's "Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn, Twain portrayed the lifestyle an African American Slave in the 1840's through the character of Jim. Whom Huck helped escaped at night as they ride along the Mississippi River.

Another artist, who was regarded as one of the pioners of the 19th century period of realism is Henry James. James is an american author , who is considered extrodinary, due to his usage of literary technique such as: Point Of View, where the narrator speaks in either first or third person. And Stream Of Consciousness, a technique in which an author uses to show the reader a character's point of view on an situation. For example, in his 1881 novel,"The Portrait Of A Lady" James portrayed the life of an american woman whom try to confront her destiny by going through Personal trial and tribulations such as: Freedom, responbility, and betrayal.

As an poet and an upcoming journalist I've found the topic of Realism quite interesting, due to the fact most of my poetry is based social issues, Moral choices, and African American lifestyle in society. I believe that if Realism didn't exist it would greatly effect American Literature, because realistic artists write about topics in which everyone can relate to. And to anyone who loves to write I recommend doing some research on American Literature such as, Realism.

"Realism sets itself at work to consider characters and events which are apparently the most ordinary, in order to extract from these their full value and true meaning. it would apprehend in all particulars connections between the familiar and the extraodinary, and the seen and unseen of human nature."- George Parsons Lathop, Poet and Novelist.

-John Sloan, Sixth Avenue Elevated at Third Street (New York City)

NaS - If I Ruled The World
* This song Is an perfect example of Realism/Magical Realism. As Nas describes the problems and social issues he face living in New York City. Imagine that his problems would disappear

* Fashawn - Ecology
This song is an another example of Realism. As Fashawn talks about the behavior he sees in his community that surrounds him.

*Gemstones - Sarcasm (My Hood)
*This song is also an perfect example of realism. in which the artist talks about his environment

*immortal technique - the poverty of philosophy
Immortal Technique discusses poverty and how racism is destorying america

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

To everyone who read this, what do you think if Realism did not exist? Do you think it would greatly effect Postmodern Literature(Literature that is written today)?
Please Leave an Comment.

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